Fall Better Known as Autumn

Fall is one of the four seasons of the year. It brings summer to an end and starts the season into winter. Leaves changing color and begin falling from trees. The temperature starts to drop with animals looking into the future of little food and begin the preparation of storing. The daylight will be getting shorter with the darkness getting longer.

According to Merriam-Webster here are just a few definitions of FALL:

ato descend freely by the force of gravity

bto enter as if unawares: STUMBLESTRAY

We need to ask ourselves the question of what we need to do from the technology perspective? Do we allow ourselves to drop our guard and not be vigilant? Should we store up for the winter?

This is the time to make sure we keep our computer systems in tip top shape. Strength them with good Virus and Malware Protection. Run diagnostics on them to ensure the hard drives are healthy and not running out of space. Keep up with all the updates whether Windows or OS.

These systems are considered employees or family members for residential customers to run some of the most important aspects of our daily lives. Trying to keep them running 24\7 is crucial in some cases.

As we embrace the work from home model (WFH), companies must be very careful when allowing employees to use their personal computer to save money. By allowing these personal computers to connect back to the office without proper virus and malware protection can mean disaster to the corporate network. If one of the systems should get infected and jump between systems could bring the whole network down.

This is the time to reach out to your IT personnel to start looking at those systems closer and check and double check the health of each laptop, desktop, or phone.

Making sure that any device that touches the network needs to be fully protected. Your only strong as the weakest link.

Contact us at 623-680-1775 if you are looking for IT support, we are here for you.